Application to Assess Patients’ Balance Level

Project phases

Published: June 30, 2023

Last Updated: 2 years ago.

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The core purpose of the Providence Health Care (PHC) Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) is “to optimize care and function for people and populations experiencing impairments, diseases, or disabilities, while innovating to provide quality clinical care, research, and education”.  PHC includes one of the largest specialized rehabilitation facilities in BC at Holy Family Hospital, with both inpatient and outpatient multidisciplinary services. The 65-bed inpatient rehabilitation unit focuses on the delivery of specialized rehabilitation of the older adult with neurological (mostly stroke), orthopedic, and amputee/prosthetic needs.

To better assess a patient’s balance capabilities and improve ways of collecting data, Providence Health Care Division of PM&R and Holy Family Rehabilitation collaborated with the UBC Cloud Innovation Centre (UBC CIC) to develop the Balance Test prototype application. Balance Test is a web and mobile app that enables clinicians and patients to record data, store and access them for future analytics. The application offers a structured way to measure patients’ balance level and aid in clinical development of recovery plans.

The Challenge

Clinicians including Physiatrists and Physiotherapists currently rely on on-premise measurements and patient-reported data to assess the mobility level of their patients recovering from various conditions and injuries affecting their function. Recalling details on physical activity can be a complex cognitive task, and becomes more challenging when some of the patients belong to the older adult population, which makes them prone to have particular memory and recall skills limitations that may affect the effectiveness of interventions designed to increase balance level. Clinicians seek a more effective recovery plan for their patients.


The solution is designed to support two user types: clinicians and patients. The UBC CIC developed a web dashboard and a mobile app to provide each of the users identified above with the infrastructure to access, view, and monitor test data. The solution supports the clinician’s use of the Berg Balance Scale, a 14 item measurement that assesses a patient’s static balance and fall risk. For the prototype, the Sit-to Stand component was selected. 

The mobile app, which is equipped with inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors, will capture data on the speed, angular velocity, and orientation of their body using a combination of tools such as an accelerometer, gyroscope, and the magnetometer. The app also allows patients to view past test events and analytics, including a score tracking graph, IMU range graphs, and IMU data graphs from every individual test event. The dashboard will allow clinicians to access the information captured via the patient app, view and download data graphs, and allow clinicians to assign new tests and movement scores to their patients.  The data captured will be used to train a machine learning (ML) model to aid in clinical predictions of future risk probability and patient outcomes. 

Supporting Artifacts

Architecture Diagram

Diagram that shows the interaction flow between the web application, mobile phone app, and backend.

Demo Video


Clinician Dashboard

Screenshot that shows a list of patients and their user ID, movement tests, the last movement tested, last test score, and additional patient data.

The Dashboard Homepage

A view of an expanded patient record. A graph is present to show the score across time periods for a selected type of mobility movement.

Patient Test Details Page on the Dashboard

A graph is shown on the patient past test event page on the dashboard. The accelerometer is selected to show on the y axis.

Patient Past Test Event Page on the Dashboard 

Patient App

Home page of the patient app listing the Sit to Stand test the sample patient is assigned.
Inside the Sit to Stand test is a start button on top of a white background for patients to click on when to begin the test.
A stop button patients can click to end the test once the test has begun.

Recording Function on the Patient App

A list of past tests completed, found in the menu tab of the app.
The test details page showing the test name, date, time, score, duration, and a graph to illustrate the results.
3 sensor range graphs being shown on the app's screen: Accelerometer X, Y, and Z.

Test Details and Analytics on the Patient App

Clinic App

An admin's view of a list of their patients, organized in alphabetical order.
A field to assign a patient's test score and to enter additional notes is available in the patient details page.
The patient page that shows past tests, new tests and test patient test analytics.

Technical Details

The solution involves three major sections: (i) clinician dashboard, (ii) mobile app, and (iii) Machine Learning (ML) model. All three components are built to work together to deliver the developed solution. The Application Flow is used by both the dashboard and the mobile app for displaying data, while the Data Input Flow is only initiated in the mobile app.

Application Flow

As part of the authentication process, an administrator uses AWS Cognito to assign other dashboard users to the care provider group for them to have access to balance assessments. 

A Lambda function checks if the user is authorized to access other patients’ balance assessments. If the request is accepted, Appsync calls Lambda resolvers, which retrieves data from Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL), Athena, or S3 to display on the dashboard. Finally, AppSync will return the response from the Lambda resolvers to the application, and display it on the user interface in the form of graphs, giving insights on score trends, measurement range trend, and individual sensor measurement fluctuations.

Data Input Flow

After the patient submits a recording from the app, the app prepares a JSON file and sends it to an S3 bucket. This delivery of JSON files will trigger a Lambda function, which receives the event information and gets the JSON file from the bucket. The Lambda function code, which is made using a Docker image, will first convert the JSON data into CSV and parquet files using the Pandas library, and then store the JSON, CSV, and parquet files in three different folders of the same S3 bucket. The JSON folder is for patient test organization purposes.

Next, the Lambda function checks for a model endpoint.  

  1. If the endpoint does not exist: A training job will be generated to train a multi-model. Afterwards, an endpoint will be created. To start a new training job, a minimum of 10 recordings per individual will need to be submitted from a care provider’s account.
  2. If the endpoint exists: The code will check for an existing model from the patient. A training job will start if there is not a model. 
  3. If the user has an existing model and a test recording was submitted: it will invoke the endpoint, prompting the model to assign a score to the recording. Prediction scores will be sent back to the Lambda function. 

When a training job is created or when a model is added to the endpoint, these files will be stored in another S3 bucket. The score received from invoking an endpoint will be saved in the RDS database using SQL query executions.

Machine Learning Model

For each training job, the model gets the specified patient’s training recording files from a S3 bucket. From each file, the timestamps, care provider score, accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data are collected. The score will be used as “labels”, while the processed accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data will be used as the “features” for training. 

A custom Long short-term memory (LSTM) model was created to train the data based on the care provider’s assigned score. A model will be trained for each individual patient. After enough data has been collected to train the model, it will be able to generate prediction scores in the absence of a clinician.

A diagram that illustrates the workflow of the the machine learning model aspect of the solution. The diagram begins on the left with a 'make account on dashboard' stream and a 'mobile app' stream.

Link to solution on GitHub:


Photo by: Brian Smith, Providence Health Care

About the University of British Columbia Cloud Innovation Centre (UBC CIC)

The UBC CIC is a public-private collaboration between UBC and Amazon Web Services (AWS). A CIC identifies digital transformation challenges, the problems or opportunities that matter to the community, and provides subject matter expertise and CIC leadership.

Using Amazon’s innovation methodology, dedicated UBC and AWS CIC staff work with students, staff and faculty, as well as community, government or not-for-profit organizations to define challenges, to engage with subject matter experts, to identify a solution, and to build a Proof of Concept (PoC). Through co-op and work-integrated learning, students also have an opportunity to learn new skills which they will later be able to apply in the workforce.